Fun with a couple things that could to be fixed |
November 14, 2021 |
TH from AZ
The stock is FUN, interesting, and looks awsome and is functional. 3 things need to be addressed, if not noted. 1 when released from full collapse it hits so hard that it wont lock in the last setting. it kinda bounces out and has to be pushed back in to the next setting or pulled back out to the last setting. 2 the slide rods are a hair too long when fully collapsed it touches/puts pressure on any extended bolt catch including the Mag BAD. not a lot but enough that its always in the back of your mind. 3 the stock is heavy. But the weight says quality and you can feel it. Not necessarily a bad thing but something to note, of Which they do. All in all a very cool stock. Maybe not the most practical thing.... But i love it none the less. all the QDs work fine for me.. on typical Magpul (or clone) QDs.
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